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November 2022 Release Guide

In the November 2022 release we've made improvements to Author, Single Sign-On and the BusinessOptix platform server. Additionally corrections have been made to Author, Model Output and Workflow.


Lane Re-Ordering

When a process map is being documented you may reorder the swimlanes to improve the readability of your process map. When you reorder swimlanes, one of the things BusinessOptix Author automatically does is re-route the links between all of the steps. For example the links you chose to position made sense when Lane 1 is above Lane 2, but it's the other way around then the manual positioning doesn't work.

To re-route we set all the links back to automatic routing (which is the same as an author selecting Relink All). In this release we've changed that behavior and we no longer change where the link connects to the step. 


Link Positioning in a Process Step

When you add multiple links between steps in a process model we follow the BPMN standard and always space the links out. This is so that it's clearer that the step has multiple links entering or leaving. For some process diagrams you may not want to follow this standard and have the links enter/leave a step at a single-point on each side. As an author you can now select the default behavior for each of your process diagrams. 


Select the Details tray for the process model and you can change the link spacing on a process map by process map basis. [Library Update Required to Enable]

Convert local resource to MD request

When a process map author needs to add a new role or system to a process model they have the option of either creating them locally (which means the role or system is only available in this model) or requesting new master data (which when approved means the same role/system is available in all models).

In this release we've added an option in Author to convert local resource to a master data request. This then allows an author to more easily change a local resource to a master data role or system request in the future.

Export from Author

In Author you have the option to export models to different file formats. Some export types are only applicable to certain model types. In this release we've made a change to Author so that you can only pick the export types that are supported for the model type. 

Improvements to Copy/Paste and Undo

When an author selected a lane, cut it, pasted it elsewhere and then decided to undo the work, we didn't reset the lane and steps correctly. This has been corrected.

When an author selected multiple components from the table of contents and then pasted them elsewhere, duplicates were being created. This has been corrected.

When an author selected multiple steps in a process model and then performed Action/Sub-Process we created duplicates of the steps and links. This has been corrected.


When an author marked a comment thread as resolved, without adding a comment to explain why there was a failure to record the resolved state. This has been corrected.

When a property in a model is marked as required and shows a red highlight that it is not set, the red highlighting was being shown. When the property marked as required could be updated by setting the value on another property, the red highlighting was not being removed. This has been corrected.

Model Output

If a model referenced content without an author setting a label, nothing was shown. When an author does not set a label the link is now shown. [Library Update Required to Enable]

PDF Part output was not generating correctly when stakeholders are assigned to the model. This has been corrected.


When a model has media saved in the model_attachments and the model is published to another library via workflow then the model_attachments were not being copied to the destination library. They are now transferred.

Folders beginning with # caused an issue with recycle bin clean-up. This has been resolved.


Single Sign-On now supports allocation of license type from your internal Active Directory infrastructure. This is in addition of associating your library groups with an Active Directory group. Whenever a user logs in to the BusinessOptix library their license and assigned groups will be updated with the assignment managed via your organization's user provisioning solution/Active Directory.

To improve performance in both Author and Model Output the stencil definition for your library is cached. When an access control was applied to a stencil or an extension this reduced the effectiveness of caching. In order to improve the performance of accessing stencils we have extended caching to be aware of the access controls that apply to the user.



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