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How to add a Sub-Process in Web Author

Process diagrams can become overly complex resulting in the process being difficult to follow. One of the powerful tools available in the BusinessOptix Web Author is the Sub-Process tool. A sub-process represents multiple tasks that work together to perform an important part of the overall process.

To add a sub-process to your process model, follow the steps below.

Step 1:
Click on the activity component you wish to add a sub-process to. In the properties inspector on the right, next to 'Type', select 'Local Call Process' from the drop down menu.

Step 2:
In the Ribbon Bar, Under 'Actions' click on the 'Sub-Process' button.

The chosen activity will now have a a plus sign symbol added to it. This symbolises that this activity has a sub-process. 


Step 3:
Click on the plus sign symbol on the activity. 

This will direct you to the sub-process diagram. Here is where you can create the sub-process diagram. Under the table of contents you can see it splits the sub processed activity from the overall process.


Step 4:
Once the sub-process has been created, the 'End' button can be clicked to go back to the main overall process.




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