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Verify Model

What Is Verify Model?

The Verify functionality in the BusinessOptix Author helps an organization check for completeness of any model being edited and identifies various issues from missing information, readability through control issues. And for process models, there are additional checks for correctness to the BPMN specification and also whether there parts of a process model that cannot be reached.

An Author can Verify a model whilst they are editing it and BusinessOptix will auto verify the model each time it is saved. The latest verification issues are recorded in your library and available via Dashboards to report on.

Using Verify Model

Only a BusinessOptix Author can verify a model. The functionality is available by:

  1. Opening a model
  2. Select Actions/Verify
  3. A dialog pops-up (if it doesn't appear please check that pop-ups are enabled)mceclip0.png
  4. Review each of the identified issues. Click on the component name and you will be taken to the part of the model you need to edit to resolve the issue.

What are the Verify Issues Identified?

BusinessOptix identifies various issues on each model and these can include:

  • Missing information or out of date information - such as not having an executive summary of the model or the user who is the model owner no longer exists in the library
  • Control Issues - such as having the same user be the Author and an approver
  • Readability - such as having an overly long process. 

For a process model, there is additional verification of the activities and gateways defined in the model. These are at varying levels of technical completeness and include:

  • Activities are checked for whether they have a type such as Manual, User or System and if they do has the model author set-up the Responsible Role and linked to Systems using Master Data
  • Gateways are checked for issues such as having only one path out or having multiple paths in and out. And if you add metrics to the links do they add up to 100%.
  • We also carry out a check to identify whether parts of the process are unreachable. We do this by simulating the process 1,000 times and identifying all the possible paths through the process. 

A complete list of the issues reported and additional information on what they mean is available on the Model Verification Issues page.

The results of a model verify are also stored for all models in your library. This happens automatically each time a model is saved, meaning that Authors can focus on improving 

Reporting on Verify Issues 

The results of a model verify are also stored on the BusinessOptix server and can be reported on and accessed via dashboards. Each time a model is saved the Verify routine is automatically run The Library Status dashboard summarizes the issues in your library and calls out some of the more common issues that affect process models.


Configuring Model Verify

Configuring which Verify Issues should be highlighted to Authors is an Administrator function and is available in Manage and then select Verify. Changes made in selected issues does not remove the issue from individual models until the model is re-saved.

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