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Managing quality review with BusinessOptix

Managing the quality of your process models doesn't end once it has been reviewed, approved and published. For your business to continue to be confident that the process model accurately represents the operational business process then it must be quality reviewed on a regular basis.

BusinessOptix will automatically initiated a quality review on the frequency you require. Your process authors and process owners are then reminded that a check is required.

Quality Review Cycle

BusinessOptix models are created with a 12 month quality review cycle. This can be modified by your process authors on a model by model basis, by editing the review cycle property located in the 'Details' section of the model properties.




When an approval workflow is completed on the model the next review date will be set to 12 months from when the model is published. With a 12 month quality review cycle a model published on 20th January would be due for quality review on 20th January the following year.

On the next review date the BusinessOptix platform will notify the relevant users that the model requires a quality review. A library administrator can configure how the quality review cycle is notified and managed.

Quality Review Notification Options

In Manage/Settings a Library Administrator can select either email or workflow to manage the quality review notification. The email text can be tailored to explain your business procedure or alternatively when Start a workflow has been selected the administrator can select the workflow from the library that defines your quality review process.


Quality Review Workflow

BusinessOptix provides a quality review workflow that defines a general procedure for quality review. This should be reviewed and tailored to match your business procedures.

When the quality review is initiated the model author and owner will be notified that the model quality should be checked, and that it should be completed within 14 days.



If the process model still matches your operational business needs then one of the author or owner should approve the model and workflow will then re-publish the current version and reset the next review date into the future.

If the process model no longer matches the operational business then the author or owner should reject the model. The workflow will notify them of the decision. They should then follow your organizations methodology for revising the process model and once complete initiate your workflow for review and approval.

Monitoring the Quality Review Cycle

There are two dashboards provided in your BusinessOptix library that enable monitoring of the quality review cycle. 

All Models

The All Models dashboard has a published models tab. This tab includes details of the next review date and highlights when it is in the past or close to due. The dashboard can be filtered to select models based on type, status, model owner, model author or review status


Workflow Status

The Workflow Status dashboard shows a summary of the workflows that are currently active across the library.



The Review Experience

At the milestone review date, the Process Owner receives an email notification reminding them to review their process model as part of quality review.  The user clicks on the model link and the model opens in their browser with instructions to perform the review.  The user performs the review by clicking through the model and documentation using HTML view in their browser.  When ready, the user selects the review button in the Actions menu, indicates whether the model needs additional update or is approved as is, notes any comments and submits their choice.  

Once the review is submitted, the documentation and change history will be updated with the most recent review date and reviewer.  




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