Scheduled Releases
Releases to the applications and core configuration that are the basis of the BusinessOptix Platform will be made on the following dates (changes will be notified here)
2025 |
Tuesday 11th February |
Tuesday 8th April |
Tuesday 10th June | Tuesday 9th September |
Tuesday 11th November |
2024 |
Tuesday 13th February |
Tuesday 9th April |
Tuesday 11th June |
Tuesday 10th September |
Tuesday 12th November |
2023 |
Tuesday 14th February |
Tuesday 11th April |
Tuesday 13th June |
Tuesday 12th September |
Tuesday 14th November |
What is included in a platform update?
A platform update comprises two parts:
Applications - this includes the library user interface (everything that is not about a single model), the Authoring tool and the Manage (Administration) user interface.
Core Configuration - this includes the stencils that configure what and how you can model your organization, for example process models, forms and dashboards. It also includes all the functionality in model output including commenting, PDF, configuration of data imports and exports to other applications.
What is not included in a platform update?
Customization that you, our partners or BusinessOptix have made to your library are not included in a release.
What happens in my library when a platform update happens?
Applications - On release of the platform update the new applications are immediately used by all client libraries on the server.
Core Configuration - Configuration updates are not automatically pushed to your library (unless you have requested this through BusinessOptix Support). You can request the Configuration is updated at any time via BusinessOptix Support. BusinessOptix Support may also recommend that your Configuration is updated if you identify an issue in your library.
Why don't you push core configuration changes to all libraries?
As an enterprise software as a service we recognize that for some of our clients they need to go through a change management process that could include testing, certification and internal communication, before the core configuration can be used in their operational business libraries.
Not pushing the core configuration updates onto a library allows all clients to have control of when the change occurs in their organization.
Could the release schedule change?
Yes, but we'll try hard not to.
There could be operational reasons why we need to change the platform update schedule. For example, if internal testing of a platform update is not satisfactorily completed then a platform update may be deferred until testing is completed. These will be announced as soon as practical here.
If a critical issue is identified in the platform then BusinessOptix reserve the right to carry out a platform release with very limited notice.
Why have you changed the frequency of platform updates?
BusinessOptix has made the decision to change the frequency of platform updates to monthly based on client feedback. You have asked that platform updates are less frequent in order that you can better plan for internal change.
If you have further questions regarding platform updates please contact BusinessOptix support or your account manager.
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