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May 2021 Release Guide


Table based data entry

For libraries using forms we've enhanced the capability by adding a new data capture type. An author can now add a table to a form enabling users to enter multiple groups of related information. Form authors can specify how many rows are expected, and which columns on the table are required.

Showing how tables in BusinessOptix forms can be configuredEach column on the table can be declared as a type including text, memo, number, checkbox, date, choice, rich text, links and calculated field types. Choice fields enable you to set-up dropdown menus based on master data in the same way as Choice fields on the form. Calculated fields can access information from both other fields on the same row and also on the same form.

Numeric, date and calculated fields can also be aggregated as part of the table.

Additional changes to forms in this release include:

  • In a form that references other forms you can now create a new forms and have it automatically linked to the original form

  • Form due dates can now be set to a calculated field value. For example if you want to set a form as being due 12 days from initial submission you can use a calculated field to set the form due date.  Please make sure your calculation is returning a Javascript Date.
  • On Link fields that are set to required the validation was not working. This has been corrected.
  • When editing a form and an author dragged fields between fieldsets they could be left disabled in the table of contents. This has been corrected.

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Filters in BusinessOptix Dashboards

Dashboards have been received a couple of enhancements:

  • Tables can now be configured by the dashboard Author to extend beyond the width of the screen, by setting column widths. In order to maintain context columns at the beginning of the table can be frozen so that they don't scroll.
  • On filter drop-downs we have added an option to select all or clear all items on the filter.

Also in dashboards using charts displaying an axis with a maximum value of 9 we were showing the same number twice. This has been corrected.

For dashboards that we provide as part of a library we've corrected a small number of issues:

  • The Functional Group dashboard was incorrectly displaying all processes when the selected process group had no associated processes. This has been corrected.
  • Master Data Parts Dashboard was truncating master data item titles at 100 characters. This has been corrected.
  • User Activity dashboard last activity dates where not easy to read. The dashboard was also incorrectly reporting Web Author access for non-author users. This has been corrected.


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A library administrator can now set-up access controls on the types of models an author can create. If you set-up an access control on the <model type>.xbp in /System/Stencils this will limit the models authors can create. An author will still be able to edit models of that type created by other authors, unless there is an access control on the model.

On smaller screens when translating a model into an additional language it was not possible to expand the property tray. This has been corrected.

[Immediately Available]


Copying models sometimes resulted in an XML error. This has been corrected.

[Immediately Available]

Organization Chart

When a person's name had been translated in an organization chart the translation was not showing correctly in the model output. This has been corrected.

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