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Master Data and You: Questions answered

Here are common questions we receive regarding Master Data. 


1. What is Master Data?

Master data in an organization are critical data points from products, features, accounts and parties that are used to complete transactions.  BusinessOptix stores master data as a shared set of resources that can be used to add detail to models, forms and diagrams.  BusinessOptix allows users the ability to click through reports showing master data to see how it relates to an organization and conceptually view it within a model.  

As an example, if your library has a Master Data usage report, open it and click within the report to see what models the data is linked to.  This will reveal even more information regarding impact of master data.




2. How can I add master data details?

Authors must be in the Master Data Authors access group in order to create, edit or delete master data within the library.

The first way to add master data is to add it within the model itself.  Open the relevant master data model in Author edit it.

You can add a new master data item (or 'part') or edit/delete an existing one.

However, always consider the impact of the change on models that may/do reference the master data items.

Remember also that Master data items may:

  • Be 'nested', for example, to show roles hierarchically within departments,
  • Be held within separate models, for example, to help manage differing role types across departments/regions


3. How can I review existing master data details?

Review the relevant master data lists by browsing and viewing the relevant model within Shared / Master Data.

Typically, the master data lists will include Roles, Choices, Deliverables, Glossary, Locations, Skills and Systems.


4. How can I add new lists of master data?

Simply create a new master data model, enter the required data items and save within the shared/master data folder.

However, consideration will need to be given to where this master data will be used/referenced within BusinessOptix.

For example, roles/skills are used/referenced in process models/org charts for RACI and Skills matrix purposes.


5. How can I review requests for adding master data items?

Review requests for adding master data items:

  • In the Forum by selecting the relevant model,
  • Via the standard Comments report,
  • Within the model itself by reviewing comments recorded

Note: To ensure that you are notified directly of all requests, simply ensure that 'notify me of comments' is checked within the feedback section of the relevant master data model.


6. How can I confirm that roles, systems, locations have been added correctly to processes?

Ultimately, the correct usage of master data should be validated by the owners of the models that reference it.

However, one measure is to run the standard master data usage report which will show where specific master data files, types, property and components are referenced (or not referenced) across process models and org charts.

This type of reporting can be useful in identifying 'pattern anomalies' within the data mapping and, by reference to the master data items report, any data that is infrequently/never referenced.


7. How can I move master data parts without breaking the links to models?

Within the Master Data folder in Shared, most libraries will have a master data model along with a folder of the same master data type.  For example, you may see a Roles model along with a folder titled 'Roles'.  Within the folder maybe additional models for that type.  

To move master data parts between models of the same type, simply cut and paste the data part by highlighting the part or parts from the contributing model, click on the Cut button from the Edit menu, then open the receiving model, highlight the model name in the table of contents and click the Paste button from the Edit menu.  (You can also right click on your mouse and use the same Cut / Paste editing actions.)

When the master data is moved in this way, it will retain the links to any models or process that may have been added by authors.  


8. How can I add choices into master data for use in forms?

Choices are a useful feature within a Form when choosing a data item from a pre-defined list is required.

However, in order to re-use the data choices (as with master data in general), choices can be added to the Choices master data file.

This data can be organized as a multiple hierarchical lists or even separate Choices files (again, as with all master data).


9. How do I review/report on usage of master data?

Simply run the standard master data items report and filter by the relevant master data type, model, item or description.


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