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Importing and Exporting models in BusinessOptix

This guide is designed to show you the basics of using the import functions within the BusinessOptix Author studio.  The import function uses basic mapping guidance from several process design software programs.  The quality of diagrams from other software can vary widely, not only from one organisation or department to another but from one individual diagram to another.  Its a good rule of thumb to always import to a staging area (such as a draft folder)  in the Shared folder structure and perform an initial review of the imported content. Once the imported models can be matched with the planned Shared folder structure – which may require moving processes from one model to another, or splitting up some and joining together other processes – start moving models into the target areas.



  • Log into BusinessOptix and navigate to the Model menu
  • Click Import from the tile on the left side of the screen

  • Click Import from the Author studio

  • Select the diagram or data file to import.  BusinessOptix allows for import and export from a number of platforms, such as:
    • Visio
    • Bizagi
    • Nimbus
    • .xpdl
    • .xml
    • .csv
    • more

  • If prompted, select the importer needed for the type of diagram or data file you wish to create: certain files can import either Master Data or diagram models
  • Visio imports will display the pages from the file to import.  Select the pages to import by clicking/highlighting each page
  • Select the folder you wish to save the diagram after importing is finished (Note: Its a good habit to initially import files to a staging area such as a draft folder in the Shared folder to perform initial review of the diagram.  If one doesn't exist you can create one by clicking the + button)   


Blank Screen?

If you are presented with a blank screen the first time you attempt an import, that is OK - the platform just needs assistance in understanding which shapes to select in BusinessOptix to import your diagram.  When this happens, simply click the back button your browser and re-import your map a second time. (see gif below) 




On these occasions, additional mapping of the shapes is needed to import the map file to the platform.  When this happens you will be presented a screen showing the shapes as they are called or noted in the original "from" file and the component selection options within BusinessOptix.  When this happens, BusinessOptix is 'learning' your diagrams by saving the mapped shapes to a cache.  As additional maps are presented for import, the platform will then select the correct component to recreate the shape in BusinessOptix.




Models can be exported from BusinessOptix in certain file formats.  For a list of those files, please check with your administrator.  To export model files from BusinessOptix:

  • Log into BusinessOptix and navigate to the Model menu
  • Find the model to export and click edit to open the model in the Author design screen
  • Choose the type of export you wish to perform from the Output tab in the Author menu
    • Currently BusinessOptix has options for BPMN, Visio and XML files.  This will export a model diagram and basic name conventions of the flow.  Some properties of your model may be lost as the exporting file types do not support additional model attributes without customization.


  • If you would like to export a more detailed document, simply click View PDF or choose the 'Standard' PDF type from the menu for a full look at your model in document form. 
    • PDF files will first open on the screen and can be downloaded from the PDF viewer.  
  • To extract a table of property data in CSV form, select the View Data button from the Output menu to download a table of model properties to your machine.
  • If you only need an image of your diagram to use for external documentation, the best method is to choose the Image download button.  This button gives you the option of choosing JPG or PNG image options.
  • If you don't see the specific file type needed for export, please ask your administrator or contact BusinessOptix support.


PLEASE NOTE:  For some output options, such as csv files, images, BPMN, Visio or XML files -  BusinessOptix creates a file for the export selected and places it in the Download folder of your computer.  

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