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January 2022 Release Guide

In the January 2022 release of the BusinessOptix platform we have enhanced master data import, added an OpenAPI Specification definition of the BusinessOptix API and fixed issues in some areas of the platform.


Master data is commonly used on the BusinessOptix platform for ensuring your analysts are consistent with describing the roles and systems in use within your organization. For some organizations the information your analysts require is already available in other applications such as Workday, SAP or Excel. In this release of BusinessOptix we've created a new importer that allows an author to create master data from an Excel or CSV file. The importer also allows the importing user to select which column maps to the properties configured in the master data model. This includes custom properties.



If you don't select an import definition when importing a JSON, CSV or XML file you received a technical error message. This has been corrected.

Zip files created on Apple macOS contain hidden files that prevented the remainder of the zip file being imported. The hidden files are ignored on import.


The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is a means of defining, in a standard way, APIs used by applications. If you are looking to integrate the BusinessOptix platform with another application then OAS provides the electronic definition of the BusinessOptix APIs. Whilst many of the APIs used by the BusinessOptix platform are common to all libraries, the customization flexibility of the platform also means that some APIs are specific to an individual library.

Each BusinessOptix library has its version of the API specification.


This definition includes information about:

  • the library models and individual models
  • each user and the roles they perform
  • each data source configured in the library

If you would like to use a user interface to explore the API specification an extension is available that can be deployed to your library. Alternatively you can view it at https://<servername>/<libraryname>/Library/OpenAPI/


When a component is being moved up/down in the table of contents and the component could be both at the top level and at a sub-level it was not possible to move it to the sub-level unless another component already existed at that level. This has been enhanced.

Extremely long model names caused the toolbar in Author to disappear. This has been corrected.

In the table of contents removing the last child from a component did not hide the +/- icon used to indicate that you could expand/collapse the hierarchy. This has been corrected.

In some cases the right click menu in Author was not being displayed above all other content. This has been corrected.


If a library folder contained a file of index.html when you downloaded the folder the file was downloaded and not the folder. This has been corrected.

If an html file is opened by a user it did not show in the recently viewed list. This has been corrected. 


When a workflow has multiple approval steps, participants selected in author and a group is used to assign the workflow the second group was not stored in the model. This has been corrected.

When publishing a model to the Stakeholder folder and the model id already exists in a different location the publish fails, but the workflow keeps trying. The workflow will now end with a failure.

Dashboards, Data Sources and Reports

When creating a component data source it is now possible to select the table of content (TOC) sequence number as a column. Additionally properties of the parent diagram are also available on component data sources.

When a table contains negative numbers the export to Excel option failed.

Export a CSV from a report with merged cells caused a mis-alignment of columns when opened in Excel.


When a form was assigned to a group tasks are created for the individual users in the group. Re-assignment of a form should remove the tasks from the original assignment. This was not working correctly for groups.

Model Output

mceclip0.png When a model is first opened the user is able to view comments at the model level. It was not easy to navigate back to the model level comments. When viewing any comment there is now an option to View all comments.

When requesting multi-doc output a PDF was created for each revision. This has been corrected.

Process Model

An event component with a event type of 'Output' or 'Link to another event' was able to link to the event. However, an event type of 'Wait for input' or 'Link from another event' did not. This has been made consistent. Clicking on the events in output will also navigate you to the selected event.

Organization Chart

When viewing an organization chart that has roles mapped to an individual then details of the process are shown. The details shown have been extended to include process owner


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